about ehanamani
Dr. Allen 'Chuck' Ross, culturally known as Ehanamani ('Walks Among' or 'Ancient Walker') was born in Pipestone, Minnesota (USA) near the Flandreau Indian Reservation ('home' of an Isanti Dakota band). Dr. Ross was raised on Flandreau, Rosebud Indian Reservation, and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation - all located in the US state of South Dakota.
After graduating from Todd County High School on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, he joined the U.S. Army serving in the 505th Paratrooper Brigade of the 82nd Airborne while additionally serving as an MP (Military Police Officer). Subsequent to that, he was encouraged to receive a college education. Ehanamani's mother was a teacher, and engaging in a classroom was not a new concept to him. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Black Hills Teachers College in South Dakota. Later, he attended Arizona State University in Arizona to receive a Master of Arts degree. To complete his academic journey. Ehanamani relocated his studies to Western Colorado University in Colorado to complete his Doctoral degree in American Indian Studies and Education Administration.
Dr. Ross worked in the Education for 27 years before retiring having served as a Superintendent, Principal, College Dean, College Professor, and preCollege Teacher.
Based on his Doctoral dissertation, Ehanami authored his first book, MITAKUYE OYASIN, for publication which earned him a prestigious Top Book Award at Europe's largest Book Fair. He is the author of five books and continues to lecture on his favorite topics in Native American History, Native American Culture, and Native American Spirituality (in which he compares with other scientific disciplines).
He is happily married to the very respected Dorothy Brave Eagle in whom he credits as his inspiration and has personally known since they were both in the third grade. Ms. Brave Eagle has a Master's Degree in Social Work and Education and is a scholar and practitioner in her own right. They parent two children and several grandchildren, great grandchildren. In his free time, he enjoys working with his hands as a creative Industrial Arts carpenter and builder particularly around his own home. One can enjoy touring Ehanamani's skilled craftsmanship of his new wood deck (built with an inclined ramp with his wife in mind), highly efficient storage shed (engineered with natural lighting with transparent roofing), and the BBQ pit and BBQ shed - all of which he built himself! - during an intimate lecture session at his own home in Rapid City, SD (USA) he calls, 'Tipi Meetings'.